Living Purposed
We want to gather with a purposeful intention to explore the world around us. How do we find our purpose, how do we know when we have found it and how do we live in the reality of our purpose. We will learn from guest who are living out their purpose and exploring the ways that they can make their imprint on the world.
Living Purposed
Episode 4 part 1 with Christine Goal setting
January is the month that most of us associate with goal setting. What if I said that goal setting might be setting us up for some level of disappointment. Of course Im not saying don't set goals or have aspirations but maybe just maybe we can see it differently. What if we gave ourselves some space to re-define the first month as a learning month, a time to take inventory and see what works for us. The first part of this episode I offer some options outside of the traditional rubric of goal setting. Leaning into how we might be able to experience more moments of success and utilize effective tools that serve us best. Come hang with me for the next 30 minutes and see what might be your next step toward change and rediscovering the magic of the beginning of year .